Main Character Energy Interest Form 

Glad you're here!! 

Complete the interest form below and Camille will reach out with next steps and registration information. 

Group details and information: 

The group is limited to 10 participants. 

We will meet from 12-1:30 ET on 9/6, 9/20, 10/4, 10/18, 11/1, and 11/15.  It is important for participants to be present for each session.  

Join in for 6 weeks with a small cohort of other Black women as we collectively step into knowing, honoring, and growing in our own unique stories to gain confidence, healing, and clarity. 

Together we will focus on where we’ve been, where we are now, and where we want to go. 

Month one will center around our individual histories, where we are from, and connecting with our inner child. 

Month two we will take a good look at our priorities, identify our best individual self care practices, and define the hard question of - who am I? 

Month three we jump into vision casting, using our imagination to dream big, and creating tangible steps to move toward that future. 

Each session will include grounding and mindfulness skills to take with you, along with an activity to help deepen and illuminate our individual and collective wisdom. Shared reflection will foster continued insight and connection. In between sessions will be opportunities for the work to be integrated. 

Journeying together as a group we will live into the knowledge that we are healed in community and can create connections within a world where we can easily feel lonely. 

Whether you’re looking for direction, understanding, and/or a newfound groundedness this group offers an opportunity for each of us to step into that main character energy we all deserve. 

To maintain the integrity and safety of healing spaces for Black women, it is requested that only Black women sign up for the group. 

This group is valued at $400. However, for this first cohort in Fall 2024, price is discounted to $300. 

Group is facilitated by Camille Logan, LCMHC. 

About Camille Logan: Camille is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Clinician in North Carolina.  She co-owns her collective style private practice offering a space for clinicians to grow and be in community in Raleigh, NC. With over 15 years of experience as a therapist, Camille has had the privilege of assisting clients untangle limiting beliefs, undo unhelpful patterns, and heal from hurtful experiences to help build a healthier narrative that makes room for wholeness, connection and personal freedom. The issues that a majority of her clients seek her out for are surrounding areas of depression, anxiety, life transitions, communication, body image, race, and identity.  She is inspired daily by her clients' life stories of hope, resilience, and courage. Throughout her years, Camille has collected and developed numerous interventions, experiential activities, and group facilitation skills that have led her to long dream of creating a group for Black women. For more information about Camille you can read about her here:

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Please share your name: 
It is important that we create a space that has continuity and can foster connection.  To do so, it would be important for participants to commit to all dates. 
We will meet from 12-1:30 on 9/6, 9/20, 10/4, 10/18, 11/1, and 11/15. 
Would you be able to attend all the dates? 

Do you identify as a Black woman? (this is an affinity space for Black women, if you do not meet this criteria you will not be able eligible for this group) 
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Please share how you learned about the group? 
This group is not a therapy group but instead a process  and skills group.  It does not take the place of therapy but would be a great enhancement while in therapy or during a therapeutic break.  Are you currently seeing a therapist? 
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If not currently in therapy, please share your experience with therapy in the past? Have you been before? Never been? 
What are you hoping to gain from the group? 
Please share you email and phone number. Camille will reach out to schedule a 15min phone conversation to discuss next steps and answer any questions you may have! 
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