Robotics Team Interest Form
Are you ready to ignite your child's passion for STEM?

We are excited to announce the formation of a new LEGO Robotics Team in Henry County! We are seeking enthusiastic and dedicated students ages 9 to 13 to join our team. 

Important to note, this is a new team with first year coaches, but we are excited to have the support and mentorship of 100 Scholars Robotics Alliance with the 100 Black Men of Atlanta.

To express your interest in joining the team, please complete the following information:

* Before proceeding please note: FLL requires a significant commitment from both students and parents. Students are expected to take 100% ownership of their team's experience, including robot design, innovation project, and team dynamics. Coaches will provide guidance and support, but the primary work will be done by the students.

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Name *
Email address: *
Phone Number: *
Number of Children Interested? *
Grade level? *
Are you available to attend the parent meeting on September 5th @ 11am?
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