African American Achievement Summit 2020 Workshop Proposal-April 10, 2020 9am-2pm
The African American Achievement Summit Planning Team is pleased to  invite you to present at our 3rd Annual African American Achievement Summit. This year's Summit will be hosted at San Diego Mesa College, from 9am - 2pm on Friday April 10, 2020. To be considered, your workshop proposal must be submitted by Friday, February 21st.

San Diego Unified School District is expecting more than 500 High School Juniors to engage in a day of learning, creating, networking, and empowerment-building. Proposals that feature interactive components to engage students in ACTION and DIALOGUE around identity and post-secondary opportunities through the AFRICAN AMERICAN LENS are highly encouraged. Students in attendance will be 16-18 years old.

We are looking for workshops that specifically address: a) African American Identity; b) Help students maximize their sense of Agency and take control over their own lives; c) Connect students to Post-Secondary information for College Access and Meaningful Careers. Youth leaders will review all proposals and select the most compelling ideas/workshops.

NOTE: Each workshop session is approximately 50-55 minutes. You will be assigned a room and repeat your workshop preferably up to three times to three different groups of students. You may present fewer workshops as your availability allows; however priority status will be given to presenters who are able to present at all 3 workshops.  Class size for presentations will be approximately 35-40 students per room. Please see suggested topics for possible workshops below.

With much appreciation,
African American Achievement Summit
Planning Committee
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E-mail *
Name (first and last) *
Preferred Gender Pronouns *
Organization *
Phone number *
Professional Background *
Full day participation includes presenting the same workshop three times to three different groups of students. Presenters who are able to present at ALL 3 WORKSHOPS WILL BE GIVEN PRIORITY; however, we recognize the need to accommodate our presenters schedules. Please indicate which time slots you will be able to present your workshop at. (Check all that apply).
Possible Workshop Ideas
This workshop will address the following theme *
Workshop Title *
Description of the Workshop (2-3 sentences) *
Learning Outcomes (What will students walk away knowing, having, and/or being able to do?) *
Please list technology or material needs. *
Lunch will be provided. Please indicate any dietary restrictions we should be aware of.
Our goal is that we can support students who attend this Summit (high school juniors) throughout their senior year through continued access to resources, organizations, and services. How do you see yourself and/or your organization continuing to provide support to this group of students? (Some examples include: mentorship, scholarship access, application assistance, assemblies/group sessions, etc.)
Are you also interested in tabling at this event? Tabling will take place during our reception from 8:15am-10:30am. (We'll provide the tables and you or your organization will be responsible for providing table cloths, resources, etc.) *
For additional questions, please contact San Diego Unified School District, Integrated Youth Services Division at (619) 725-7330 or email, Partnerships Coordinator, Katherine Aud at  Thank you.
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