DRP Application Spring 2025
The Directed Reading Program (DRP) is an opportunity for Princeton undergraduates to work one-on-one with a graduate student for a semester-long reading project in mathematics. Apply here!

Pairings are based largely on compatibility between your expressed mathematical interests and the areas of expertise of our graduate mentors, plus your prior experience in mathematics. 

You are expected to meet with your mentor at least an hour each week, and you are required to commit at least 4 hours of work outside of the meeting each week. There will be a DRP Symposium at the end of the semester when you'll give a short presentation to the other DRP participants.

The DRP Open House (w/ boba) is Monday February 3rd, 7-9pm in the Professors' Lounge (PL), which is the top floor of Fine Hall. Find out more about the program and meet potential mentors there!

Applications are due Monday February 3rd at 11:59pm. Initial pairing will be on Monday February 10th. 
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Name *
Email *
Year *
Major (or intended major) *
Please list the mathematics classes or other relevant classes you have taken.  *
Include both the course number and the course title, e.g.

MAT 215 - Single Variable Analysis with an Introduction to Proofs
MAT 335 - Analysis II: Complex Analysis
Junior seminar - Knot Theory
ORF 526 - Probability Theory
In which of the following broad areas would you be excited to do a DRP project? *
Is there a particular topic or area that you are exclusively interested in?
Only answer this if you would rather not participate in the DRP if we cannot find a suitable matching mentor.
Anything else you'd like us to know that may help us pair you with a mentor?
E.g. other mathematics projects or programs with which you've been involved.
How many times have you previously participated in the DRP?
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