Volunteer Registration Form
Thank you for your willingness to support the 2024 Curiosity Open, an annual off-season FRC tournament hosted by the Great Lakes Science Center. Please take a moment to complete this online form so that we might best utilize your unique gifts and talents. (Please Note - If under 18, a hard copy of this form must be completed and signed by a parent or guardian. To request a printable copy of this form, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator for this tournament at bradshawj@glsc.org.)
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General Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address *
State/Provence *
Zip Code
Primary Email *
Alternate Email Address
(Mobile) Phone Number *
OK to send text messages to your mobile phone? *
Alternate Phone Number
Please select your t-shirt size.
Do you have any special dietary needs or restrictions? *
If yes, please list specific needs/restrictions
Team Roles & Affiliations
Current FRC Team Affiliation (Please enter the team number. If none, enter "0000" in the box below) *
Current FRC Team Role (Please check all that apply) *
Desired Volunteer Position(s)
Requested Volunteer Roles (Please check all that apply) *
Date Availability for Event Support (Please check all that apply.) *
Prior Experience
Please describe your prior "Event Volunteer" experience relevant to the role(s) you selected above. (If you have no prior experience in your desired role(s), please type "None" in the answer box.)
Additional Comments
Thank you for volunteering for the 2024 Curiosity Open Robotics Challenge! Our volunteer coordinator will contact you shortly.
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