Artist Application
Please fill out the following application for the Ryga Arts Festival. Please note: We are a small festival in the South Okanagan with limited spaces available. We currently have selected our headlining band for the music category. We do offer some off-season opportunities, however, so if you feel like you're a good fit please do try us. While the General Manager will attempt to send a personal note to everyone who applies, this is not always possible, so if you have not heard from us within 2 months of your application, we send regrets that you were not selected and we hope you'll try again in the future.  Dates of the 2025 festival are September 17th to the 21st. 
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Applicant's Name *
Category of Arts Performance *
Name of Act or Performance (band name, your pen name, name of theatrical production, etc) *
The Ryga Festival Society that operates the Ryga Arts Festival operates under a mandate of "Advocating for Social Justice through the Arts." Please give one or two examples of how your work fits this mandate. *
For Authors/Writers: Length of Reading
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For band performances: Length of Performance
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For theatrical performances: Length of play
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Please describe your style/what you do. *
Are you interested in also hosting a workshop? If so, please describe.
Artist Fee (please tell us what your expected pay is - we value your time and energy, and always try to compensate accordingly).  Please also include travel and accommodation costs if required. *
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
Email Address *
Links to some of your work (YouTube, FB, IG, website)
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