Impact 101 – creating better together
Every truly good school, and all truly passionate and dedicated educators, are focused and intentional in  a commitment to equitable outcomes where each individual is welcomed and inspired. Some schools  and some educators are rewarded with recognition for this important work; for others it either goes  unnoticed or is merely taken for granted. Perhaps this is true because, as William Bruce Cameron said,  “not everything that can be counted, counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” That is, there is not always a clear metric for measuring impact.

Yet, schools and educators engage in an array of quality work to close opportunity gaps, implement  inclusionary practices, honor diverse learners and increase access for all students - to positively impact  their school experiences and to prepare them for meaningful future success. NEWESD aspires to  recognize, lift up, and share the superb work being done in schools across our region with an awards  program that is not only based on quantitative matrices, but also on evidence of progress and stories of  impact.

At NEWESD, we want to ensure that important work aimed at inclusive outcomes for all is lifted up, recognized, and shared with our regional K12 community, so that we can continue to learn from one another how we  
can be most impactful in supporting the academic and social and emotional needs of each student served; identifying and valuing the gifts and full potential of all of them.

You are invited to complete the short nomination form that follows, with our appreciation for your commitment and dedication to a passionate and firm focus on all.
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Your email address. *
Your Name and Position.  Example: "Sarah Strawbridge, 4th Grade Teacher" *
Which school(s) or program(s) are you nominating for an award?  Please also note the school district, if part of a public school system.  Example: "Coolidge Middle School, Foothill School District" *
What's the name of the principal or director who leads the school or program you're nominating?  Example: "Brian Flanagan, Principal" *
What's the email address of the principal or director who leads the school or program you're nominating?  Example: "" *
Provide a brief yet clear description of the work and its inclusive impact on, and outcomes for current and  future students *
Describe how it empowers educators, families and/or communities toward the achievement of inclusive outcomes *
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