EdTechTeam Workshop Evaluation
Thank you for attending a workshop produced by EdTechTeam. We hope it has been an inspiring learning experience. Please take a few moments to complete this evaluation. Select the appropriate response for each question, and please leave comments in response to the open-ended prompts at the end. Thank you for taking the time to provide this feedback.
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Learning Design *
1 - Poor
5 - Awesome
The faciliator was engaging and well prepared.
The facilitator's resources were helpful.
Were the topic and activities relevant to you in your role?
How would you rate the training you received from EdTechTeam?
What is your preferred learning style? *
What is one thing you will implement in your classroom immediately? *
What are the barriers you anticipate in implementing the ideas you learned today in your classroom or role? *
What would you want your next professional development day to focus on? *
Highlights of the day?
Please share any additional comments and feedback.
Optional: Your Name
Optional: Your email address
Would you be interested in adding your email address to our monthly newsletter? *
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