EIPS - Learning Technologies - Interview
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Staff Member Category *
If respondent is a teacher, fill in the school they work at.
What are the structures and processes in place to respond to the  changing technology needs of learners? *
What structures and processes need to be  in place to respond to the changing technology needs of learners? *
What perceptions do students, teachers and administrators hold with respect to the structures and processes in place regarding learning technology? *
What perceptions do students, teachers, administrators, and parents hold  with respect to the reliability, level of support, availability, affordability, and  appropriateness of the learning technologies provided? *
Where is the district’s technology infrastructure with regard to serving  pedagogical needs? How does the district position infrastructure as a foundation to  serve future demands? *
Please summarize the status of learning technologies in your school. *
Paint a picture for me that would describe what you feel is the ideal use of learning technologies and what that would look like within your classroom *
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