Identity-play application
Correo electrónico *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
WhatsApp number (we'll most likely use WhatsApp to communicate as a class) *
Link to learn more about you (optional)
What would you like to get out of this course? *
Have you ever had an experience where you felt like a dramatically different person? (Perhaps a persona you played, or a possession ritual you participated in while abroad, or a flash of some "higher self," etc.) If so tell us about the experience.

Tell us a tiny bit about yourself. What are your interests? What is your life's work? Do you have any acting experience? (Acting experience is not required!)

Feel free to keep this brief and casual =)

Would you be able to attend the 8 sessions of this course, taking place on Tuesdays 6-9pm from June 4 to July 23rd? 

It's ok to miss a few classes, just let us know which ones – you may need to do some homework!
Se enviará una copia de tus respuestas por correo electrónico a .
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