Couple Empowerment Programme (CEP) Registration Form
Yes!  We would like to build an emotionally intelligent and Christo-centric marriage!
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I would like to attend CEP at: *
Have you attended CEP before? *
Correspondence Email *
Alternative Email
Husband's Details
First Name (Husband's)
Last Name
Mobile Number
Wife's Details
First Name (Wife's)
Last Name
Mobile Number
Family Details
Years Married
Number of Children
Parish You Belong To
Children's Details
For the purpose of child care service, please let us know the names of children who will be attending the CEP with you and their ages.
Child #1 Name / Age
Child #2 Name / Age
Child #3 Name / Age
Child #4 Name / Age
Child #5 Name / Age
Child #6 Name / Age

The cost of the programme is S$300/- per couple to defray the costs of book, handouts, meals and refreshments for the 10 sessions and S$50/- per child, if child minding services are required.  However, we accept a love offering in cases of financial hardships.
You may pay via the following methods:
CASH: Simply pass the cash to our registration team on the Introductory Session.
PAYNOW*: Enter 202008017HCEP in the Unique Entity Number (UEN) for "Catholic Family Life Limited - Couple Empowerment Programme".
or SCAN QR Code*: 
(*) Kindly indicate your names in the remarks section and email the amount transferred and transaction reference number.
Photo submission
We would appreciate it if you can send us 2 photographs to, one on your wedding day and another recent photo with your family before the sessions begin. Thank you.
Privacy Policy
Kindly note that by providing the Couple Empowerment Programme (CEP) with your personal data, you agree and consent to the collection of the above personal data by CEP and for the purpose of communicating to you details about the various programmes, events, meetings, workshops and other activities of CEP and other related purposes.

Where you are providing such personal data on behalf of others, you confirm that you have obtained the consent of these individuals for the disclosure of their personal data for the purpose stated above.
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