Ednor Gardens/Lakeside Resident Survey
The Ednor Gardens/Lakeside Community Association is looking to hear from residents regarding their interests, wishes, hopes and expectations of the Community Association. The board continuously strives to grow with the neighborhood and would like to hear from those they are representing.

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Have you attended Community Association Meetings in the past?
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What would you like to see, hear and/or learn at an Association meeting?
Have you attended Ednor Gardens/Lakeside community events in the past?
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If yes, which events have you attended:
What community events would you like to see in the future?
Have you been involved in a committee (Youth & Recreation, Safety, Housing, Gardening, etc.)
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If you have been involved with a committee, to which committee have you been involved?
What committee, if any, would you be interested in becoming involved with in the future?
Have you served as a Block Captain?
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Would you be interested in serving as a Block Captain in the future?
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What do you think is the purpose of the Ednor Gardens/Lakeside Community Association?
What would you like to see the Ednor Gardens/Lakeside Community Association work on this upcoming year?
If you have any suggestions for the incoming Ednor Gardens/Lakeside Board, please share:
We greatly appreciate your participation in this survey.

Please fill free to pass this survey along to your neighbors and friends in the neighborhood.

Marissa Dahl - President
Sabiha Chowdhuri - 1st Vice President
Nate Hicks - 2nd Vice President
Aliza Sollins - Secretary
Joe Griffiths - Treasure
John W. Vaughters - Sargent at Arms
Kaila Jones - Ednor Gardens Representative
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