Lesson 19 - Our Covenant with God
God created us to be part of his family. Throughout all of history, God established covenants with his people as a way of gathering them into his family. A covenant is a promise of faithfulness. God gave us the Ten Commandments to help us be faithful to our side of the covenant and to live well as members of God's family. Sometimes we think of the Ten Commandments as a bunch of rules, but if we remember that God truly wants us to live well and to be happy, we can simply see them as guidelines for how to live our best life.

Did you ever think of the 10 Commandments as a gift from God?  We know that Jesus was sent so God could experience everything that we experience in life- even anger. Jesus was angry that people were making His Father’s house a marketplace. That didn’t show respect for God. When he was asked to show a sign of His authority to speak out about the temple’s use, Jesus replied “Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.” Jesus was talking about another gift from God. The gift of His Only Son, who would suffer, die, and be raised up in order for our sins to be forgiven. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all people kept our covenant with God and showed their thankfulness for Gods’ greatest gifts!
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In this Sunday's Gospel reading, Jesus overturns the tables of the merchants in the Temple and drives everyone out because they weren't treating God's house with reverence and respect. When we come to Church, we should treat it reverently as a place to pray and worship God. What is one way you can honor God by treating his house (the Church) with respect?
Think about the Easter Story, and remember from our Sunday Readings video what Jesus meant about how He is the new Temple.  How did the people “Destroy this temple” and how did Jesus “Rebuild this temple in three days”?
Which of God’s laws do you think our world is in most need of today?  Select one of the 1st three commandments and then one of the last seven.  Write a catchy slogan for each of them.  Example: One God!  That’s All We Need! (Can you tell that was for the 1st Commandment?)  If you would like, draw it as a Bumper Sticker to encourage others to follow the Commandments.  Then you can send us a photo of your bumper stickers! We would love to see them at: religiousedone@stbartholomewchurch.org
Ask your parents or a grown up to help you look up Psalm 136:1. According to this Bible verse, why should we be thankful to God? How do we know His promises are true? Share about a time in your life when you were reminded of God's faithfulness in the ways He took care of you.
Spring is coming soon! What are you looking forward to most about springtime?
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