Province Name Complaints Form
Province name complaint form for EmpirePowers (SXI). This form is for contributing province names to our many provinces, as many provinces are currently unnamed (or perhaps wrongly named).

Fill this form out per province. You can fill out as many forms as you like.

You will need to find the hexadecimal ID of the province. You can find it here:

You can find the hexadecimal ID by opening the image in a program such as paint.NET, Gimp, or Photoshop. The first two are available for free. Use the colour picker to find the hex ID of the colour, a 6-character string. For example "00011F". When you enter the hex ID below, please remove all 0s at the start of the string. For example, for "000001", you enter "1", for "0003D2", you enter "3D2", and for "001164" you enter "1164".

If you do not have any of those programs, you can also use color picker in microsoft paint. You will have to enter the RGB colour values on a website like to get the hex ID. This is more work for you.
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Province Hex ID (6 characters) (remove 0s at the start of the ID)
Proposed Province Name
The historical name for the province or region, or the name of the biggest city in the area. If the region consists of multiple EP provinces, you can also suggest "Northern X" etc. Please make sure that the name is accurate for the year 1500.
Please enter any links, images, references or other evidence that support your province name.
Discord username
So we can contact you in case of questions, but also keep a leaderboard
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