Mentor Request
Peer Mentoring Program members are inducted based on leadership, character, community service, and professionalism.  Mentors have volunteered to support their fellow classmates through this mentoring program, such that students can seek assistance with a variety of subjects across the medical school curriculum, from pre-clerkship basic sciences to pre-rounding for morning rounds.  Every effort will be made to preserve student privacy. If you would like to participate in the program, you can expect the following to happen after you complete the survey:

1. You should expect to receive a reply within 48 hours from after the survey is completed.  You will receive a reply from one of the Peer Mentoring liaisons.  The liaison who emails you will be your central contact and will assign you a mentor.  The liaison will work with you to coordinate meetings with your mentor.  The liaison will be the best person to bring up additional concerns or questions.

2. You should expect to have an initial maximum of 3 meetings with one mentor. If you feel like you would require more than three meetings, please note this in your mentor request as it will help us match you with a mentor. If you only need less than 3 meetings, this will not be required, but we would still like your feedback!

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email or the PMP leaders Liam Giffin ( and Maddie Leonard (
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Name *
UVA Email/User ID *
Phone number *
Year in Medical School *
Which of the following areas would you like assistance with? *
Are you in Charlottesville or Fairfax? *
Would you prefer in-person or virtual meetings with your mentor? *
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