朗僑奶茶 Long Kiu Milk Tea
Diagnosed with Autism at the age of 2, 朗僑 and his father started a milk tea shop to promote the integration of neurodiverse individuals into the Hong Kong society.  Long Kiu hopes for more people to accept all people with Autism.

Minimum Order: 30 Milk Tea 
Order Bundles:

Once you've placed your order, a representative will contact you to confirm details. 
Email *
Name (First, Last) / 姓名
Email/Whatsapp Number 電子郵件/Whatsapp 號碼 *
Order Amount 訂單數量 *
Date of Delivery 送貨日期 *
Location of Delivery 交貨地點 *
Requested Delivery Time 交貨時間 *
Would you prefer to be contacted in English or Cantonese? 您希望用英語還是粵語與您聯繫? *
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