Adult Social Care Systems Discovery
TPXImpact and the London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI) are convening a systems discovery to identify systems interventions that could help vulnerable and older adults stay well at home for as long as possible.

Our objective is to create a systems map and a compelling shared narrative about the ASC system, to identify systemic bright spots and failure points, and to create a prioritised list of challenges we want to see addressed.

We'll be working in the open, and creating an output that could be owned by all collaborators. If you'd like to keep track of this work, or feed in, please answer these quick questions.

Following this systems discovery, LOTI will then be holding an Innovation Day at London City Hall for adult social care professionals and their third and private sector partners to explore the possibility of developing new service models.

Learn more about TPXImpact's work on Adult Social Care here.

Learn more about LOTI's work on New Service Models in Adult Social Care here.

The data supplied in this form will be held by LOTI and accessible only to the project team across TPXimpact and LOTI for the purposes of delivering the above work.

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Please leave your email if you’d like to be contacted about opportunities to be involved in TPXImpact or LOTI organised events on this topic.
Is there another person or organisation you think needs to be involved?
Do you have any other ideas, hopes or fears for this work? Please let us know if so!
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