Call For Speakers - DevOpsDays Taipei 2025

您是否對DevOps有熱情和經驗?您是否想要與來自各行各業的DevOps實踐者交流和學習?您是否想要在台灣最大的DevOps盛會上展現您的才華和智慧? Do you have passion and experience with DevOps? Do you want to communicate and learn from DevOps practitioners from all walks of life? Do you want to showcase your talents and wisdom at Taiwan's largest DevOps event?

如果您的答案是肯定的,那麼我們誠摯地邀請您參與DevOpsDays Taipei 2025的演講與工作坊分享! If your answer is yes, then we sincerely invite you to participate in the speech and workshop sharing at DevOpsDays Taipei 2025!

DevOpsDays Taipei 2025是一個為期兩天的活動,將於6月5-6日在台北舉辦,旨在推廣和慶祝DevOps的理念和實踐。我們期待您的參與,無論您是DevOps的新手、老手、專家、教練、領導者、顧問、學者、學生,或是任何對DevOps有興趣的人士,都歡迎您報名成為我們的講者、演講者或工作坊主持人。 DevOpsDays Taipei 2025 is a two-day event that will be held in Taipei from June 5th-6th, aiming to promote and celebrate the concept and practice of DevOps. We look forward to your participation. Whether you are new to DevOps, a veteran, an expert, a coach, a leader, a consultant, a scholar, a student, or anyone interested in DevOps, you are welcome to sign up to be our speaker or speaker. or workshop facilitator.

您可以選擇以下任一或多個形式來分享您的DevOps故事、經驗、知識、技巧、觀點、心得、問題、挑戰、創意或想法: You can choose any or more of the following forms to share your DevOps stories, experiences, knowledge, skills, opinions, insights, questions, challenges, ideas or thoughts:

•  25分鐘演講:以口頭或視覺的方式,向聽眾介紹您的DevOps主題(安排場外問答,問答時間不需包含演講時間中)。 • 25-minute speech: Introduce your DevOps topic to the audience verbally or visually (arrange off-site Q&A, and the Q&A time does not need to be included in the speech time).

•  40分鐘演講:以口頭或視覺的方式,向聽眾深入地探討您的DevOps主題(安排場外問答,問答時間不需包含演講時間中)。 • 40-minute speech: In-depth discussion of your DevOps topic to the audience verbally or visually (arrange off-site Q&A, the Q&A time does not need to be included in the speech time).

•  90分鐘工作坊:以互動或實作的方式,帶領聽眾體驗或學習您的DevOps主題,並在最後10分鐘內回饋或總結。 • 90-minute workshop: Lead the audience to experience or learn your DevOps topic in an interactive or practical way, and give feedback or summary in the last 10 minutes.

如果您有興趣成為我們的講者、演講者或工作坊主持人,請在2月27日之前,填寫並提交以下的報名表格: If you are interested in becoming our speaker, speaker or workshop host, please fill out and submit the following registration form by Feb. 27th:

DevOpsDays Taipei 2025 June 5th(Thu.)~6th(Fri.), 2025
@ 臺北文創大樓 Taipei New Horizon Building

首先,先填上您的 email,讓我們可以保持聯絡! First, please fill in your email so we can stay in touch!

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