JAN Safe Streets Survey
Jackson Association of Neighborhoods (JAN) is asking neighborhood leaders to do a brief asset mapping exercise in their neighborhood and surrounding community, to identify important locations and ask if those locations are easily accessible for pedestrians, cyclists and people with disabilities. Use this survey to report back with anything you identify as a need for safer streets.

Projects that are eligible for State Dept. of Transportation grant funding include projects that plan or construct on- or off-road trails for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other nonmotorized forms of transporation, and anything that would make roads safer for community members, such as traffic calming techniques, lighting, and other safety-related infrastructure.

Think about what would make your neighborhood safer for everyone!
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What are the most important assets in your community? Example: school, park, church, library, commercial area. List the name of the place and the address.
Describe any location in your community that could be safer with a sidewalk, multi-use walking/bike path, lighting, pedestrian crosswalks, traffic-calming, better visibility/signage, etc.

Please describe the exact location and how you would like the area to be improved.
Do you have a park in or near your neighborhood that could be improved by adding an exercise or nature trail? If so, please add the name of the park and why that would help.
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