Promotional Video Request Form
Welcome to Osprey Avionics! Please take a moment to provide us with some details about your promotional video request.
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Full Name *
Business Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Preferred Way of Contact
Describe the Primary Objective of This Promotional Video? *
As detailed as possible please provide a description of any vision or ideas you have regarding the narrative, sequence, and unfolding of the video. *
If this video is for a product promotional please explain the product.
As detailed as possible, what is your desired target audience? *
Are there any branding guidelines or visual elements that should be incorporated into the video? (Graphic files will need to be provided.) *
Desired length of the video? *
if unsure, is there a specific budget you had in mind for this video? If so please provide details.
Please list all locations we will need to travel to acquire the desired media. (Address, GPS Coords, etc.) *
Will there be any aerial footage or drone shots for this video? *
Will there be any interviews or testimonials during this video? *
Will there need to be "Behind-the-scenes" or "Making-of-footage" included? *
What tone or mood do you want the video to convey? *
Will there be specific music or sound effects you would like used in this video? *
Are there any obstacles or challenges you anticipate in producing this video?  *
Is there any existing media (Photos, Videos) you would like included into this video? *
Is there a preferred deadline for the completion of this video?
Is there anything else you would like to communicate or any additional details you think we should know?
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