Sign Up! to stay up to date with Maine's A. Philip Randolph Institute (APRI-ME)
APRI is the Senior Constituency Group of the AFL-CIO and Maine AFL-CIO is proud to have launched a chapter in 2018.

The AFL-CIO's constituency groups—the A. Philip Randolph Institute, Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, Coalition of Labor Union Women, Labor Council for Latin American Advancement and Pride At Work—are unions' bridge to diverse communities, creating and strengthening partnerships to enhance the standard of living for all workers and their families.

The groups also promote the full participation of women and other often-marginalized communities in the union movement and ensure unions hear and respond to the concerns of the communities they represent.

APRI-Maine will engage and address issues of all Maine's union and community members of color.

Sign up here to be informed about our meetings and activities. Everyone who supports the mission of APRI is  welcome to be involved.

For more information about APRI-ME visit our website

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this is the name of your national/international union. Your local number/name is the next question. Examples: IBEW or APWU or IAMAW
This is the number or name of your union local/chapter. For example, if you put USW above you might put 900 here, or APWU above you might put 458 here, or MEA above you might put Portland Chapter here.
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