6.964 Final Questionnaire
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Your overall impression of the class: *
What was your favorite part of the class?
What would you most like to see changed about the class?
How would you rate Michael Bernstein as the instructor of this class?  Any comments for him?
How would you rate the design elements of the class: sketching, brainstorming, storyboarding, needfinding, and crits?
How would you rate the instruction on Adobe Flash and the setup for Project 1?
How would you rate the instruction on Arduino and the setup for Project 2?
How much time did this class take you?  Was this what you were expecting?
Of the three elements -- design, Flash, and Arduino -- which would you like to spend more time on?  Which would you like to spend less time on?
The course was structured over 11 consequetive class days.  Did this work well for you?  Would you prefer a longer course, which covers more?  A shorter course, which covers less?
What are the realistic prerequisites for taking this class? (classes, time, research experience, programming, mathematical background, etc.)
What were your reasons for taking this subject? Why should someone else take this subject? What advice would you give to friends planning to take this subject?
Anything else you'd like to mention:
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