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1. What is the dimension for velocity?
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2. A car moving with a velocity of 20m/s at 300 to the horizontal, what is the components of the velocity along the horizontal?.
2 points
3. If a moving car X collides head-on with a moving car Y in the opposite direction, the conservation of momentum states that
2 points
4. A bullet of mass 20g travelling horizontally at 100m/s
embeds itself in the centre of a block of wood 1kg which is suspended by light vertical string 1m, calculate the velocity
2 points
5.  Starting from rest a car of mass 1000kg accelerates
steadily on 20m’s in 10sec, what is the average power developed
2 points
6. A body weighing 80N stands in an elevator that is about to move. The force exerted by the floor on the body as the elevator moves upward with an acceleration of 5ms-2
2 points
7. Which of the following pairs has one vector and one scalar quantity?
2 points
8. If P is the momentum of an object, then the expression P2/m has the same units as
2 points
9. A ship floating in clear water of density 1000kg moves to sea water of density 1050kg where it floats, the upthrust on the ship then
2 points
10. Two equal charges 1C separated in air by distance
1km. What would be the force between them?
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