Brown Public Library Youth Volunteer Form
This form is to be filled out for kids ages 10-13 who are interested in volunteering at the library. Kids 14 and over are usually eligible to work as adult volunteers.
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What is the name and age of the child interested in volunteering?
What is your name and what is your relationship to the prospective volunteer?
What is your email address?
What is your phone number?
What kind of volunteer opportunities are of interest to the child who would like to help out? Please check all that apply.
Would your child be able to commit to a regularly scheduled 1 hour volunteer shift each week?
Please feel free to share any other thoughts or questions regarding your child working as a library volunteer in this box.
Thank you so much for your interest in helping out at the library! Our youth librarian, Rebecca Pearish, will reach out to you soon to get your child started.
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