Sign Up Below to Perform at the Coffee House on Tuesday, November 19th, 2024
Respond to the six items below (all six are required).  Performers will be selected on a "first come, first serve" basis.  Each performance will be allotted a maximum of 5 minutes.  *Performers may also be chosen according to what the Lakeland Coffee advisers deem appropriate in order to best serve the vision of the advisers.
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1. Type your First and Last Name of ALL performers that will be in your act.  Only ONE of the members of a group performance is required to sign up. *
2. Type your email address below *
3. Select Your Grade Level *
4. Type the name of the work that you will perform *
For example: A song I wrote called "Crumb Cake is Yummy," or A poem by T.S. Elliot Called "The Waste Land."  "I will be unicycling."
5. Select the type of piece you will perform from the drop down menu. *
6. Are you going to be providing your own musical accompaniment using your cell phone or iPod? If your answer is no, understand that we will not provide it for you. *
Will you, or any member of your performance, need a keyboard? *
Provide a link to the backing track, etc. if you want us to use it for your performance.
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