Backstage Week RSVP S25
Thank you for your interest in attending workshops this Backstage Week (Spring 2025)! We're so excited for you to join us for the workshops, trainings, and social events we have planned for this semester.

Please contact the Tech Liaison, Jocelyn, at with any questions.
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Backstage Week Schedule!
Which events are you interested in?
Agassiz Shop Training (Monday)
Keyboard Programming with MainStage
And Sew it begins… Machine basics
Intro to Lighting Design
Loeb Shop Training (Tuesday)
Working With Assistants
Costume Design
Video Editing and Projection Design
Intro to Lighting Programming
Theater Survival Guide
Intro to Sound Design
Agassiz Shop Training (Thursday)
Set Painting
Prop Designing
Mix Masters: Intermediate Sound Engineering
Scenic Design
Tech Directing 101
Loeb Shop Training (Friday)
Hair and Makeup Design: A Creative Beginner's Guide
Closing Board Game Night
Tech Office Hours
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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