2019 DRCC Award Nominations
We want to hear from YOU! Which local individuals and businesses should be honored this year at the Damariscotta Region Chamber of Commerce’s annual meeting?
More details will be announced in upcoming weeks. Keep an eye on the Chamber Facebook page and newsletter for more information.
Deadline for nominations is May 1.

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INDIVIDUAL COMMUNITY SERVICE:  A person who has enhanced the community by contributing both their time and resources. They support the needs of organizations, businesses and individuals within the community through their demonstrated generosity, collaboration and cooperation.
BUSINESS ENHANCEMENT:  The award recognizes the recipient for their active involvement in the community through business, volunteerism, or both. Their contributions enhance the overall economic health of the region and the well being of the general population by making our community a better place to live.
BUSINESS PERSON OF THE YEAR:  The award recognizes the recipient for their active involvement in the community through business, volunteerism, or both. Their contributions enhance the overall economic health of the region and the well being of the general population by making our community a better place to live.
ORGANIZATION COMMUNITY SERVICE: An organization or business that has enhanced the community through its generosity of time, resources, spirit and support. This award recognizes the contributions of the organization/business and what is has added to the well being and quality of life in the region.
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