UPDATES for Parkway Alumni
Thank you for providing your contact information to Parkway Alumni Association. We use your information for our communications (newsletter, emails, reunion information) and do not sell or provide it to third parties for commercial purposes.

The PAA is a nonprofit, 501(c)3 charitable organization. The organization develops and maintains programs that serve Parkway alumni, current students and staff members. Please visit ParkwayAlumni.org to learn more about us!
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Maiden Name
High School Attended *
Graduation Year (YYYY - use 4 digits) - if you graduated early, enter the year for the class you choose for reunion communications *
Phone Number (cell preferred) *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip *
Is it okay for us to share your information with reunion planners? *
Are you currently employed by Parkway Schools? *
Would you like to get involved with the Parkway Alumni Association?
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Would you like to tell us about yourself? We're always interested in what Parkway alums are doing in the world. Career field, military experience, interests, etc.
If you are a HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR, please enter your personal email address (not your @ParkwaySchools.net address, which will disappear after graduation).
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