Southside Farmers Association Application
Eden Farms is an agricultural learning center and farm dedicated to supporting the economy of fresh local foods. Join us for an open house and informational on how your farm or business can participate in a pilot program aimed at increasing the purchasing of brokered harvests for the 2024 growing season.

Fuller Park Community Developments  vision is to curate and organize local urban growers to strengthen individual farms and build an organization that has more leverage in selling to local grocery stores and providing jobs to local area residents.

Members will benefit by pooling their resources, becoming stronger together. This gives the network the ability to provide larger volumes of agricultural commodities to meet the demands of retail. Consolidation of resources creates a logistical framework that benefits growers by having an end buyer for crops/commodities, streamlining plantings sharing technical expertise and even labor.

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Name *
Garden or farm address(s) 
Email address  *
Phone Number *
Is this a home/residential plot?
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Is your plot secured or gated?
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Does the public have access to your growing plot?
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In the past 3 growing seasons have you given away or sold your harvest?
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Is growing food your main source of income?
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Do you have access to water at your location?
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Have you ever owned or operated a small business of any kind?
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Have you taken classes, attended workshops or training on growing food?
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Are you interested in monetizing your food production?
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It is mandatory that selected farmers for the pilot program be Good Agricultural Practices certified. "Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) is a voluntary certification program which verifies through an audit that sound food safety practices are being used. This helps reduce the risk of microbial contamination in fruits, vegetables and nuts and aims to make sure these foods are safe for you to eat." While the certificate IS voluntary all participants are required to complete this certification as part of our program. Are you willing to commit to being GAP certified. This certification is of NO COST to participants but requires attendance at workshops and execution of an approved farm safety plan.
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Please explain why you would like to participate in the pilot program (optional)
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