Dear [Dean Secretary/Study Department Personnel],Please find below the necessary details regarding the questionnaire:
Who Should Fill Out the Questionnaire:This questionnaire is intended to be filled out by the responsible person within your faculty, specifically the Dean Secretary or a member of the Study Department of
every faculty of the university. ONE FACULTY = ONE QUESTIONNAIRE.
If You Are Not the Responsible Person:If you have received this questionnaire but are not the designated person to fill it out, we kindly ask that you
forward this message to the appropriate individual: dean secretary or study department of every faculty.Time Commitment:Filling out the questionnaire will take approximately 15 minutes.
If you have no answer, write "0" to the text fields.
Data Anonymization and Sharing:The results of this survey will be processed and provided in an anonymized dataset, ensuring the confidentiality of all participants. This dataset will be shared with all participants for review and
utilization of research results by your University in anonymised mode.Deadline for Submission:Please complete the questionnaire by 2024-07-30, but can be filled also later.