Class-8,Civilising the Native Educating the Nation
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Q1) What would you call a person who knows several languages ? *
1 point
Q2) Three Englishmen were busy discovering the ancient Indian heritage and mastering Indian languages. One was Willam Jones and another Henry Thomas Colebrooke . Name the third person *
1 point
Q3) Who started the journal Asiatick Researches? *
1 point
Q4) What does the Arabic word Madrasa refer to? *
1 point
Q5) Where in India a Madrasa was set up in 1781 to promote the study of Arabic , Persian and Islamic Law ? *
1 point
Q6) Name the important scholar who studied Sanskrit and found it to be the most scientific language of the world. He also translated the important works Shakuntala and Manusmriti into English *
1 point
Q7) From the outline map of India, identify the place marked A in black circle. Situated on the banks of Ganges, in Uttar Pradesh also known as Varanasi or Kasi where the Hindu College was established in 1791. *
1 point
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Q8) From the following which one would best describe an Orientalist *
1 point
Q9) A person who can read, write and teach Persian is called a _________ *
1 point
Q10) In countries like India, British used this term to mark the difference between the local languages and everyday use and English.This term is generally used to refer to a local language or dialect as distinct from what is seen as the standard language. *
1 point
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