IN4ACT Paper Clinic Webinar Series                       “Systemic Literature Review”
Pranešėjas: Dr. Diego Prior
Birželio 03 d., 13.00 - 16.30 val. “Systemic Literature review 1/3”
Birželio 13 d., 13.00 - 16.30 val. “Systemic Literature review 2/3”
Birželio 20 d., 13.00 - 16.30 val. “Systemic Literature review 3/3”
Vieta: ZOOM
Presenter: Dr. Diego Prior
Date & time:
June 3rd,   1  pm - 4.30 pm.  “Systemic Literature review 1/3”
June 13th, 1  pm - 4.30 pm.  “Systemic Literature review 2/3”
June 20th, 1  pm - 4.30 pm.  “Systemic Literature review 3/3”
Place:  ZOOM
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