Utah Adapted PE Conference Day 02.10.24
This is the registration form for the 2024 Adapted PE Professional Development Day at SAEC Auditorium at the University of Utah. The University of Utah is excited to host this event on 2/10/24 from 9:00-3:00 p.m. It will count toward five license renewal points and be a great opportunity to collaborate with other APE teachers. SHAPE Utah will provide a light breakfast and lunch. 

We want to make this professional development meaningful! Please provide your feedback on session topics and consider presenting if you are doing something you'd like to share. We are in need of presenters and are open to various presentation styles. 

Sessions will be recorded via Zoom, though teachers must attend in person to be eligible for licensure points. 
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Email Address *
School District/Company *
Do you have any dietary restrictions? If so, please describe. 
Do you need any accommodations (e.g., interpreter)? If yes, what accommodations will you need?
What topics would you be interested in at an APE conference day?  *
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