Focus Bible College: Ten Parables Of Jesus. Lesson 1
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What had Jesus commanded them to do with His message? ( Mark 16:15 )
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What method were they suppose to use to spread the Gospel? ( 1 Corinthians 2:4 )
Where did Jesus tell them to take the Gospel? ( Acts 1:8 )
What had God done to make them special? ( Deuteronomy 7:6 )
To whom were the Jews to give them light? ( Isaiah 42:6 )
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Who did Peter say these Christian Jews were? ( 1 Peter 2:9 )
For what reason had they been chosen? ( 1 Peter 2:9 )
How did Jesus atone for our sins? ( 1 Peter 2:24 )
How did Jesus reveal God's nature?
To what did Jesus compare the Kingdom of Heaven? ( Matthew 25:14 )
How many major characters do we find in the parable?
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What did the King tell his servants to do with their money? ( Matthew 25:14-15 )
What did Servant One do with his monies?
What did Servant Two do with his monies?
What did Servant Three do with his monies?
What becomes of the seed we sow? ( Galatians 6:7 )
What do we receive is we sow to our evil nature? ( Galatians 6:8 )
What do we reap if we sow to the Spirit? ( Galatians 6:8 )
What is the source of our guidance? ( John 16:13 )
What did the King do to Servant Three? ( Matthew 25:30 )
Who gives spiritual gifts? ( 1 Corinthians 12:6 )
Are there some who receive no spiritual gifts from God? ( 1 Corinthians 12:7 )
What does the King do equally to all his servants? ( Matthew 25:19 )
What is the reward of work well done? ( Matthew 25:29 )
Name me some character traits of Servant Three? ( Matthew 25:24-27 )
What does this parable say to you?
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