Investor Membership (XTP)
Thank you so much for your interest in XPonential Technology Partners.
You are welcome to complete as much of the application as you like. Required fields are marked.
This is a free membership for investors around the world.
We will email you any of our news. If you have any questions, please e-mail us at
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Company Name
If you have a website, what is the URL?
If you have SNS account, please tell us.
Please describe your company?
First name
Last name
Your role of your company
Email Address 
Head Office Address
What kind of investors are you?
What industries you invest?
What industries are you intersted in investing near future?
Which countries have you invested in?
Which countries are you intersted in?
Which countries are you intersted in?
What kind of startups do you like?
Your check size......
Your check size......
How did you find XPonential Technology Partners? 
Who told you about us?
Would you like to have a 30mins online meeting with our XTP team?
Please feel free to write or ask us any questions.
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