Ultimate Conservation Experience - Registration of Interest
Thank you for showing interest in our Ultimate Conservation Experience, a collaborative experience organised by Dogs 4 Wildlife, Project Rhino & the IFPCP.

The aim of this project is to give you the greatest conservation-based experience we can, whilst showcasing the dedicated work the anti-poaching rangers do in the fight to save wildlife across Africa.

The trip is jam packed with exciting experiences for up to 6 people (larger groups can be accommodated on request).
Some aspects you will cover, include:
- Wildlife identification
- Animal behaviour
- Wildlife tracking skills
- Anti-poaching techniques
- K9 tracking
- Observing the Project Rhino K9 unit
- History behind the illicit wildlife trade
- Ecological relationships
- Wildlife law
- Bush survival skills & camping

You will experience first-hand many of the issues the dedicated rangers face as well as outstanding wildlife and scenery on a Big 5 game drive.

To find out more, please visit https://www.dogs4wildlife.org/conservation-programmes/. At the bottom of the webpage, you'll be able to find the full itinerary, accommodation information & Frequently Asked Questions. Please ensure you read and understand the Full Terms & Conditions before proceeding.

Your journey to Africa starts here!

Please fill out the form below to register your interest. Don't worry, this is not an official application form, it simply registers your interest and ensures we can give you all the information you require. After you have submitted this form we will be in touch, via email, as soon as we can to arrange suitable travel dates!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Are you an individual traveller or part of a group? *
If you are part of a group wishing to travel together, please state group size (although this trip is aimed at maximum of 6 individuals, we might be able to accommodate larger groups).
Full Name *
Date of Birth (You must be 18+ to take part in this experience) *
Gender *
Country of Residents *
Nationality *
Email Address *
Address *
Phone number
Where did you hear about our Conservation Experience? *
What are you most interested in experiencing? *
Which month are you hoping to/available to travel with us? *
Are you happy for us to contact you via the email provided, to arrange suitable dates, send application forms and provide further information? *
Do you have any other questions or comments?
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