Find Your Sheep Challenge Round 3/IConnect
Hello again USY! Welcome back to the last round of the Find Your Sheep Challenge for this calendar year! This round will be very similar to the IConnect initiative of last year, as you will be paired with a USYer in the same grade, but a different region, and given challenges through Remind to help you get to know them before IC.

However, you do not need to be going to IC to participate! Just answer “no” on the question asking whether you’ll be attending IC or not, and you’ll be paired with someone also not attending the convention so that everyone still has the opportunity to form connections!

Make sure to put in your own contact information (an email you check regularly, etc.) so that your partner can contact you easily.

We can’t wait for IC, and we can’t wait to help make you a new best friend for when you get there!

Austin Kaufman and Sam Bloch
2019 USYer Connection Chairs
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Name (first & last) *
Grade *
Region *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
3 Hobbies/Interests *
Past IConnect/Find Your Sheep Challenge partners + region
Are you attending IC SoCal? *
What is your third favorite food? *
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