Pair for Prayer -- Spring 2020
Hey USY!

This is the second international installment of an initiative called Pair for Prayer. Pair for Prayer is a prayer learning program that pairs USYers together to learn tefillot and ruach. USYers can sign up to be a moreh (teacher), talmid (student), or both. Participants will be able to select the prayers/services and ruach/slow ruach songs that they would like to learn or teach. Finally, a talmid is matched with a moreh and they learn the assigned prayer or song together over video chat.

In USY, there is a large gap in knowledge between those who have Jewish Day School background and those who do not, making it hard to educate many USYers on Judaism at any given time in an appropriate way for them. By implementing Pair for Prayer, USYers of all knowledge levels will be able to participate in an educational activity with their fellow peers. And, the pairs will be inter-regional so they will also make a new friend in the process! USYers who participate in Pair for Prayer will not only be provided with an enriching Jewish educational experience, but they will be able to use their knowledge to participate in tefillot and ruach in their chapter, regions, at IC, or on a summer experience.

Please fill out this form by May 24th if you are interested in participating.

Thank you,
Religion/Education IGB 2020
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