2025 World Read Aloud Day with Amitha Jagannath Knight 
***All slots have been filled at this time. Thank you!***

Schedule me for a free classroom visit on World Read Aloud DayFebruary 5, 2025

You can learn about me and my picture book, Usha and the Big Digger, on my website.

If you are interested in having me read in Spanish to your class from the Bilingual Spanish/English edition (Usha y la Gran Excavadora / Usha and the Big Digger), please note that in the comments. I am not completely fluent in Spanish, and so only the book reading portion will be in Spanish while the rest of the presentation, including Q&A, will be in English. 

Choose only one twenty-minute time slot for your school, library group, or homeschool group. 

Please do not sign up until you can commit to a 20-minute time slot and can send a meeting link. 

Our WRAD virtual visit will go something like this: 

1-2 minutes: I give a quick introduction & talk a little about my book.
4-5 minutes: I read aloud from Usha and the Big Digger.
5-10 minutes: I answer a few questions from students about reading/writing
1-2 minutes: I booktalk a few books that I love (but didn’t write!) as recommendations for the kids

This form will ask you to choose a time, name a platform, give a meeting link, and a contact phone number for the day of the visit. If you need to contact me to work out any details after signing up, please use the subject WRAD 2025 when emailing. My author email is amitha@amithaknight.com.

NOTE: TIMES LISTED ARE EASTERN. I am located in the Greater Boston Area.

Date: 02/05/2025 (Wednesday)
Location: Virtual

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If you don't have a link to share now, you can send it when I confirm our meeting before the event.
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