Date: Friday, September 22, 2023
Time: 10 AM - 5 PM
Place: Interdisciplinary Research Building
Howard University
2201 Georgia Ave NW
Washington, DC 20059
Attendees will learn how to securely accept Bitcoin payments by creating a non-custodial enterprise-grade Lightning Network BTC payserver. Use cases integrating a BTC payserver with websites, markets, QR code readers and smart contracts will be illustrated.
Why Attend?
Attendees will be given $5 to practice Lightning Network dollar to bitcoin conversion and vice versa. Learn how to securely accept Bitcoin payments fast. Be exposed to Bitcoin ecosystem online tools and services that can empower Africa Diaspora enterprises. Interact with Melanin & Afriblocks software development engineers to accelerate Bitcoin-centric solutions at scale throughout the United States, Africa and beyond.
Facilitated by BitHub Africa and the Melanin Academy, Join Community Sign up for access to event details: