OUTDOOR 3-9 DATES + TIMES Class start and end times may shift depending on temperature/heat index and wind chill conditions.
Outdoor classes will be moved to our indoor range during inclement weather
(Register at any time during the year)
SUMMER: June 1 - August 31, 2024
FALL: Sept 1 - Dec 19, 2024
SAT: 8:30 am - 10:30 am
SUN: 8:30 am - 10:30 am
2024 FEES
*****Classes are now two-hours long instead of 1.5 hours, so you can shoot more arrows and increase your strength and endurance.
On days when classes are moved indoors due to weather/field conditions, the fees will be the same as Outdoor 3-9 class fees below:
SINGLE Class fees :
$52/archer for 2-hr outdoor group classes ($26/hr)
Outdoor private lessons :
$12/30 min (in addition to the regular Outdoor 3 class fee - during regular outdoor class times)
$146/archer for 1-hr private outdoor field lesson with Coach Racae (12+y.o. and competitive level)
$220/archer for 2-hr private outdoor field lesson with Coach Racae (12+y.o. and competitive level)
MULTI-Class Discount Packets (Can be used however and whenever convenient):
10 hours : $250 (= five 2-hr classes at $50/class) - $10 savings
16 hours : $384 (= eight 2-hr classes at $48/class) - $32 savings
24 hours : $552 (= twelve 2-hr classes at $46/class) - $72 savings
Indoor Monday private lessons:: $40/30min or $75/hr. You can shoot before or after your private lesson time at no extra charge from 6:30-8:00, if other archers are booked for private lessons otherwise the range will be closed. Add your name to the ATCI Classes calendar if you have access or email Coach Racae.
archers with max of 20 archers on the shooting line at onceAGES: 12 - 80+ years old; if younger, with Coach Racae's okay
DISTANCES: 13.5m-70m
CHANGES / CANCELLATIONS: We reserve the right to change or cancel any class for any reason at anytime.
The outdoor range is private property. The gates are locked, and targets stored away except during Outdoor 3-9 classes and Corporate Team Event times.
No archers are allowed on the range without at least a USA Archery Level 2 Instructor present. To meet USA Archery insurance requirements, all use of the field must be sanctioned by USA Archery, supervised by at least a USA Archery Level 2 instructor or higher, and scheduled on www.archerytrainingcenter.com/calendar.
COACHES/INSTRUCTORS:USA Archery Level 4 NTS Coach Racae Meyer, Level 3 NTS Coaches Chris Ching, Jake Lanoux, Joel Yu, Nick Erickson, Lindsay Rerecich, Level 2 Instructor Matt Rerecich and other certified instructors/coaches. (
https://www.archerytrainingcenter.com/who-we-are) The coach/instructor will also be indicated on the class information on
www.archerytrainingcenter.com/calendar closer to the time of the class.
ADDRESSES:OUTDOOR FIELD SOUTH: 2324 Bliss Spillar Road, Manchaca, TX 78652
INDOOR RANGE: 5446 West Hwy 290 service road, #102, Austin, TX 78735 (on westbound service road) (Google Map: Donut Taco Palace)
MAILING: Archery Training Center, Inc., PO Box 93216, Austin, TX 78709
Outdoor Field South:
Even though it´s a Manchaca address, it´s only about 2 minutes from the Austin City Limit.
Option 1: Drive south to the end of Brodie, turn right onto 1626, and then right on Bliss Spillar Road. Soccer fields will be on your left, or
Option 2: Drive south on Mopac and on to 45 East, exit Bliss Spillar Road, turn left onto Bliss Spillar Rd. Soccer fields will be on your right.
The archery field is on Bliss Spillar Road in the back right corner of the soccer fields across the street from the Marbridge Foundation entrance. Do not drive into Marbridge. Look for the AWSL sign and drive in the entrance gate, which will only be open during class times. Park in the parking area on the right.
archerytrainingcenteraustin@gmail.comPHONE/TEXT: 512 975 1850
QUESTIONS?E-mail us at
archerytrainingcenteraustin@gmail.com or
Call/Text us at 512 975 1850
*NTS = National Training System (which is used for training the USA Olympic team!)
*USAT = United States Archery Team
*JOAD = Junior Olympic Archery Development
Times and dates may change. If so, you will be notified by email/text if you have previously registered.
Always check www.archerytrainingcenter.com/calendar before driving to class.