2024 Outdoor 3-9 at 20m - 70m
The photo above was taken at the 2019 Olympic Team Trials at Texas A&M with targets at 50m, 60m, and 70m. 2028 Olympics will be in L.A.!!!!

First of all, I´d like to thank you for contributing and supporting us. Your support is vital, and we appreciate it very much. Have fun out there on the field - and much success!  
                                                                                                                               Coach Racae

Fill in this registration form by completing the fields below and clicking ¨SUBMIT¨ at the very end. 

This registration form is for experienced adult, junior and parent recurve archers who meet the prerequisites below, and have their own target recurve archery equipment.  (If you do not yet have your own recurve equipment, please contact Coach Racae who will provide you with detailed recommendations appropriate to your archery goals, experience, strength and budget.)

These are informational and specific to higher level archers. You can return to the them at any time by re-opening this registration form or by saving or printing them.

OUTDOOR 3-9 advanced and competitive classes prepare you to shoot longer and longer distances until you reach your USA Archery competition distance (see below), while learning the National Training System, which is the most highly researched biomechanical method of shooting taught out at the Olympic Training Center, increasing your strength, both mentally and physically, and learning about your equipment. You will be shooting with other archers in group sessions with individualized coaching, so you can all learn together and from each other. At this level it is highly recommended that you take private or virtual sessions with Coach Racae and practice at home in your garage inbetween the group classes so you progress faster and with a deeper understanding. During the indoor season (Sept-Feb), we also will shoot at 18m outdoors in preparation for the indoor competitions at Texas A&M in Nov and Feb.

If you would like to see what our classes are like, visit:  https://www.instagram.com/archerytrainingcenter/

INDOOR 1 First-time Class at 9m
INDOOR 2 at 9m with basic understanding of NTS form and a score of 230 pts on 40-cm target face or 240 pts on 60cm target face.

SIGN THE WAIVERS at ATCI Membership and Waivers Packet if you have not already done so.

Class start and end times may shift depending on temperature/heat index and wind chill conditions.
Outdoor classes will be moved to our indoor range during inclement weather
(Register at any time during the year)

SUMMER: June 1 - August 31, 2024
FALL: Sept 1 - Dec 19, 2024
   SAT:     8:30 am - 10:30 am
   SUN:    8:30 am - 10:30 am

2024 FEES 
*****Classes are now two-hours long instead of 1.5 hours, so you can shoot more arrows and increase your strength and endurance.
On days when classes are moved indoors due to weather/field conditions, the fees will be the same as Outdoor 3-9 class fees below:

SINGLE Class fees :
for 2-hr outdoor group classes ($26/hr) 

Outdoor private lessons :
$12/30 min  (in addition to the regular Outdoor 3 class fee - during regular outdoor class times)
 $146/archer for 1-hr private outdoor field lesson with Coach Racae (12+y.o. and competitive level)
 $220/archer for 2-hr private outdoor field lesson with Coach Racae (12+y.o. and competitive level)

MULTI-Class Discount Packets (Can be used however and whenever convenient):
  10 hours : $250 (= five 2-hr classes at $50/class) - $10 savings
  16 hours : $384 (= eight 2-hr classes at $48/class) - $32 savings
  24 hours : $552 (= twelve 2-hr classes at $46/class) - $72 savings

Indoor Monday private lessons:: $40/30min or $75/hr. You can shoot before or after your private lesson time at no extra charge from 6:30-8:00, if other archers are booked for private lessons otherwise the range will be closed. Add your name to the ATCI Classes calendar if you have access or email Coach Racae.

CAPACITY:   40 archers with max of 20 archers on the shooting line at once
AGES:            12 - 80+ years old; if younger, with Coach Racae's okay
DISTANCES: 13.5m-70m  


CHANGES / CANCELLATIONS: We reserve the right to change or cancel any class for any reason at anytime.

The outdoor range is private property. The gates are locked, and targets stored away except during Outdoor  3-9 classes and Corporate Team Event times. 

No archers are allowed on the range without at least a USA Archery Level 2 Instructor present. To meet USA Archery insurance requirements, all use of the field must be sanctioned by USA Archery, supervised by at least a USA Archery Level 2 instructor or higher, and scheduled on www.archerytrainingcenter.com/calendar.

USA Archery Level 4 NTS Coach Racae Meyer, Level 3 NTS Coaches Chris Ching, Jake Lanoux, Joel Yu, Nick Erickson, Lindsay Rerecich, Level 2 Instructor Matt Rerecich and other certified instructors/coaches. (https://www.archerytrainingcenter.com/who-we-are) The coach/instructor will also be indicated on the class information on www.archerytrainingcenter.com/calendar closer to the time of the class.

OUTDOOR FIELD SOUTH:    2324 Bliss Spillar Road, Manchaca, TX 78652
INDOOR RANGE: 5446 West Hwy 290 service road, #102, Austin, TX 78735 (on westbound service road) (Google Map: Donut Taco Palace)
MAILING:  Archery Training Center, Inc., PO Box 93216, Austin, TX 78709

DIRECTIONS to Outdoor Field South:
Even though it´s a Manchaca address, it´s only about 2 minutes from the Austin City Limit.
Option 1: Drive south to the end of Brodie, turn right onto 1626, and then right on Bliss Spillar Road. Soccer fields will be on your left, or
Option 2: Drive south on Mopac and on to 45 East, exit Bliss Spillar Road, turn left onto Bliss Spillar Rd. Soccer fields will be on your right.
The archery field is on Bliss Spillar Road in the back right corner of the soccer fields across the street from the Marbridge Foundation entrance. Do not drive into Marbridge. Look for the AWSL sign and drive in the entrance gate, which will only be open during class times. Park in the parking area on the right.


PHONE/TEXT:  512 975 1850

E-mail us at archerytrainingcenteraustin@gmail.com or
Call/Text us at 512 975 1850

*NTS = National Training System (which is used for training the USA Olympic team!)
*USAT = United States Archery Team
*JOAD = Junior Olympic Archery Development

PLEASE NOTE: Times and dates may change. If so, you will be notified by email/text if you have previously registered. Always check www.archerytrainingcenter.com/calendar before driving to class.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
ARCHER first and last name (specify ¨adult¨, ¨parent¨, or age for junior archer) *
Please fill out one registration form per archer. Example: Sam Hill, adult; Tom Smith, parent, Jill Smith, 12. Juniors must be accompanied by a parent/guardian, who will be responsible for them. 
Confirmation that you´re registered is seeing your name in the class on the website´s calendar a few hours after registering.
PARENT first and last name, relationship *
Example: Jane Smith, mom; John Smith, dad. If this does not apply to you, just put a period in the answer or voluntarily clarify your relationship with the archer.
CELL PHONE(S) (adults and parents) *
If you regularly sign up for classes, and know we already have your cell phone number, just put a period in the space to speed things along.
EMAILS (adults and parents) *
If you regularly sign up for classes, and know we already have your email, just put a period in the space to speed things along.
USA ARCHERY MEMBERSHIP: Have you joined? *
Membership in USA Archery is required at this level to participate in JOAD and Adult Training to be in compliance with USA Archery's insurance guidelines, and BEFORE WE CAN HAND OUT ANY USA ARCHERY STAR PINS to you during ATCI Competitions.! See ¨1. OVERVIEW¨ section above for more information.  Go to https://www.usarchery.org/memberships/become-a-member . Make sure to put Archery Training Center as your ¨Club¨. USA Archery notifies us directly as soon as you have joined. 
SATURDAYS : Which dates would you like to book? *
PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAMES DIRECTLY ON THE ATCI CLASSES Calendar under the dates you intend to come. Most of you have been given permission to edit events and therefore add your names to the classes (including any Indoor 2-6 classes and private lessons). This should be easier and more efficient for you and Coach Racae. You do not need to fill in the following registration form any more. 
All fees are payable in advance of the class to secure your place in the class. 
If you have not been given permission to use the ATCI Classes Calendar, contact Coach Racae.


Register anytime for as many or as few classes as you like.
Read the ¨FEES¨ section above for more information.

2024 FEES 
*****Classes are two-hours long instead of 1.5 hours, so you'll shoot more arrows and increase your strength and endurance.
On days when classes are moved indoors due to weather/field conditions, the fees will be the same as Outdoor 3-9 class fees below:

SINGLE Class fees :
for 2-hr outdoor group classes ($26/hr) 

Outdoor private lessons :
$12/30 min  (in addition to the regular Outdoor 3 class fee - during regular outdoor class times)
 $146/archer for 1-hr private outdoor field lesson with Coach Racae (12+y.o. and competitive level)
 $220/archer for 2-hr private outdoor field lesson with Coach Racae (12+y.o. and competitive level)

MULTI-Class Discount Packets (Can be used however and whenever convenient):
  10 hours : $250 (= five 2-hr classes at $50/class) - $10 savings
  16 hours : $384 (= eight 2-hr classes at $48/class) - $32 savings
  24 hours : $552 (= twelve 2-hr classes at $46/class) - $72 savings

Indoor Monday private lessons:: $40/30min or $75/hr. You can shoot before or after your private lesson time at no extra charge from 6:30-8:00, if other archers are booked for private lessons otherwise the range will be closed. Add your name to the ATCI Classes calendar if you have access or email Coach Racae.

Competitive Team Extra Practice:
9:00-10:00 on Saturdays before class (not instead of class)
6:00-8:00 on Wednesdays on the field
Nov 20 - Competition Team Dinner
SUNDAYS : Which dates would you like to book? *
PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAMES DIRECTLY ON THE ATCI CLASSES Calendar under the dates you intend to come. Most of you have been given permission to edit events and therefore add your names to the classes (including any Indoor 2-6 classes and private lessons). This should be easier and more efficient for you and Coach Racae. You do not need to fill in the following registration form any more. 
All fees are payable in advance of the class to secure your place in the class. 
If you have not been given permission to use the ATCI Classes Calendar, contact Coach Racae.


Register anytime for as many or as few classes as you like.
Read the ¨FEES¨ section above for more information.

2024 FEES 
*****Classes are two-hours long instead of 1.5 hours, so you'll shoot more arrows and increase your strength and endurance.
If you paid for multi-packs by March 17, and still have hours remaining, these hours will be honored at the old rate.
On days when classes are moved indoors due to weather/field conditions, the fees will be the same as Outdoor 3-9 class fees below:

SINGLE Class fees :
for 2-hr outdoor group classes ($26/hr) 

Outdoor private lessons :
$12/30 min  (in addition to the regular Outdoor 3 class fee - during regular outdoor class times)
 $146/archer for 1-hr private outdoor field lesson with Coach Racae (12+y.o. and competitive level)
 $220/archer for 2-hr private outdoor field lesson with Coach Racae (12+y.o. and competitive level)

MULTI-Class Discount Packets (Can be used however and whenever convenient):
  10 hours : $250 (= five 2-hr classes at $50/class) - $10 savings
  16 hours : $384 (= eight 2-hr classes at $48/class) - $32 savings
  24 hours : $552 (= twelve 2-hr classes at $46/class) - $72 savings

Indoor Monday private lessons:: $40/30min or $75/hr. You can shoot before or after your private lesson time at no extra charge from 6:30-8:00, if other archers are booked for private lessons otherwise the range will be closed. Add your name to the ATCI Classes calendar if you have access or email Coach Racae.

Competitive Team Extra Practice:
9:00-10:00 on Saturdays before class (not instead of class)
6:00-8:00 on Wednesdays on the field
Nov 20 - Competition Team Dinner

WEDNESDAYS/THURSDAYS : Which dates would you like to book? *
PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAMES DIRECTLY ON THE ATCI CLASSES Calendar under the dates you intend to come. Most of you have been given permission to edit events and therefore add your names to the classes (including any Indoor 2-6 classes and private lessons). This should be easier and more efficient for you and Coach Racae. You do not need to fill in the following registration form any more. 
All fees are payable in advance of the class to secure your place in the class. 
If you have not been given permission to use the ATCI Classes Calendar, contact Coach Racae.


Register anytime for as many or as few classes as you like.
Read the ¨FEES¨ section above for more information.

2024 FEES 
*****Classes are two-hours long instead of 1.5 hours, so you'll shoot more arrows and increase your strength and endurance.
If you paid for multi-packs by March 17, and still have hours remaining, these hours will be honored at the old rate.
On days when classes are moved indoors due to weather/field conditions, the fees will be the same as Outdoor 3-9 class fees below:

SINGLE Class fees :
for 2-hr outdoor group classes ($26/hr) 

Outdoor private lessons :
$12/30 min  (in addition to the regular Outdoor 3 class fee - during regular outdoor class times)
 $146/archer for 1-hr private outdoor field lesson with Coach Racae (12+y.o. and competitive level)
 $220/archer for 2-hr private outdoor field lesson with Coach Racae (12+y.o. and competitive level)

MULTI-Class Discount Packets (Can be used however and whenever convenient):
  10 hours : $250 (= five 2-hr classes at $50/class) - $10 savings
  16 hours : $384 (= eight 2-hr classes at $48/class) - $32 savings
  24 hours : $552 (= twelve 2-hr classes at $46/class) - $72 savings

Indoor Monday private lessons:: $40/30min or $75/hr. You can shoot before or after your private lesson time at no extra charge from 6:30-8:00, if other archers are booked for private lessons otherwise the range will be closed. Add your name to the ATCI Classes calendar if you have access or email Coach Racae.

Competitive Team Extra Practice:
9:00-10:00 on Saturdays before class (not instead of class)
6:00-8:00 on Wednesdays or Thursdays on the field
Nov 20 - Competition Team Dinner

PRIVATE SESSIONS: What date and time are you requesting with USA Archery Level 4 NTS Coach Racae Meyer? (12+ years old) *
Add your name directly to the ATCI Class Calendar under the date and time you would like a private lesson, if you have been given access to the ATCI Class Calendar. Otherwise add your times and dates below.. 
Your choices are:
30 minutes during the regularly scheduled Outdoor 3-9 weekend classes ($12/30min in addition to the outdoor class fee). All archers are expected to attend the 2-hr Outdoor 3-9 class on the day.. 
30-min or 1-hr on Mondays 6:00-8:00pm in the indoor range for form rectification ($40/30 min or $75/1 hr)
The indoor range will only be open on Mondays during booked private lessons.
If you would like a private lesson out on the field at other times, the fee is $150 for a one-hour session, and $220 for a two-hour session, which includes traveling to/from the field just for your lesson. 
All classes are listed on www.archerytrainingcenter.com/calendar, so check the calendar first to see which times would be good. 
If you need help setting up an appointment, email Coach Racae at archerytrainingcenteraustin@gmail.com.
PRIVATE VIRTUAL SESSIONS: What date and time are you requesting with USA Archery Level 4 NTS Coach Racae? (12+ years old) *
Private virtual 30-min form-focused sessions with Coach Racae are available to adult and JOAD archers 12+ years old who have graduated to Outdoor 3 at 13.5m and beyond. Look at www.archerytrainingcenter.com/calendar to view times already booked and regular class times before requesting your times. There are no substitutions or refunds for dates and times booked but not attended, unless we cancel the class, so only select dates/times you know you will definitely attend. After receipt of your fee and registration, your name and time of your virtual session will appear on the above calendar as confirmation. If you would prefer another date/time, need help setting up an appointment or an indoor range in your garage or would like equipment recommendations, email Coach Racae at archerytrainingcenteraustin@gmail.com. (If this does not apply to you, just put a period (.) or "none" in the field.)
TOTALS: What is the total number of group classes,  virtual sessions, and private indoor or outdoor sessions which you have booked above? *
Count the number of group 1.5-hr classes,  private virtual 30-min sessions, and private indoor and outdoor sessions, which you have booked above.
SUBSTITUTIONS: Are any of the above classes/sessions substitutes for ones canceled by us *
If any of the above classes are substitutes for classes canceled by us, please tell us the original booked date and the date you wish to substitute. Alternatively, send Coach Racae an email. If none apply, put "none" in your response below. There are no substitutions or credits for dates booked but not attended, unless we cancel the class. Contact Coach Racae with your questions.
TOTALS: What is your total fee? *
Multiply the number of people you are registering x per-class fees or multi-class packet fees (see above) + once-a-semester enrollment fee of $25/archer + $26/archer for the USA Archery Star Pins Awards one-time fee (optional).    All fees are payable in advance of the class to secure your place in the class. Please put the archer's name and the date(s) of the class(es) on your payment so we can attribute it to you!  Email Coach Racae with your requests or questions at archerytrainingcenteraustin@gmail.com.
PAYMENT: How will you be paying your fee in advance? *
Priority is on a first-registered and paid basis.Please put the NAME(s) of the archer(s) and the DATE(s) and TIME(s) of your class(es) on your payment so we can attribute it to you!  See fees and conditions above  If we cancel the class because of instructor/coach illness, weather, or if the class fails to meet the minimum registration requirement of 4 people, we will refund or credit your fee (your choice). 
MAILED PAYMENTS: If you are mailing your payment, what date can we expect to receive it?
The postal service has been quite unpredictable recently, so if you are concerned about whether we will receive your check before your preferred class fills, please consider paying through www.PayPal.Me/atciaustin (+4%) instead or depositing a check in the grey box in the POD in advance of the class day. If the class is full by the time we receive your check, you´ll need to reschedule. If this doesn't apply, put a period in the field below.
DISTANCE : What distance are you shooting now? *
Your goal is to reach your competition distance in time for the indoor (October - March) or outdoor (April - September) competition seasons each year. 
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