Delegate Signup for Windsor Democrats
Use this form to indicate your interest in serving as a CT Dems convention delegate. Delegates will be elected by the Windsor Democratic Town Committee at its March 24 meeting.

The conventions will probably be in-person, but there are contingency plans to hold them online if necessary.

Please note that State Democratic Convention delegates will need to attend two conventions: the state convention, and the DSCC convention for their senatorial district.

TBD 4/11 - 4/21 Democratic State Central Committee Conventions (should be short)
5/6-5/7 State Democratic Convention (two days at the Xfinity Theater, Hartford)
5/9 1st Congressional District Convention
5/10 State Senate Conventions
5/11 State House Conventions
5/12 Probate Judge Convention
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Email *
Name *
Address *
Cell number
Why do you want to be a delegate? *
Please rank the conventions you are interested in attending. *
First Choice
Second Choice
Third Choice
Fourth Choice
Fifth Choice
Not Interested
State Democratic Convention (May 6-7; must also attend DSCC convention between 4/14 and 4/24)
1st Congressional District Convention (May 9)
State Senate Convention (May 10)
State House Convention (May 11)
Judge of Probate (May 12)
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