Gender Neutral toilets bettering society? Updated disabled toilets to make all disabilities feel welcome?
This survey is to gather data for my Graphic Design dissertation. It looks into whether signage icons, which include gender and disability, are now outdated, and should be changed universally to reflect the growing change in how gender is viewed in society.

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Q1 - I understand why some people want to have gender neutral toilets? *
Q2 - I would feel comfortable if communal gender neutral toilets were implemented, with no male and female toilet option? *
Q3 - I would feel comfortable if gender neutral toilets were implemented as a THIRD toilet option, keeping the male and female option? *
Q4 - I believe that gender neutral toilets provide better safety for members of the LGBTQ+ community? *
Q5 - I believe that safety for ALL members of public would be obstructed if communal gender neutral toilet were implemented? *
Q6 - If communal gender neutral toilets were better for space and cost efficiency, you would consider the implementation of them? *
Q7 - If gender neutral toilets could help with parents and carers provide better safety over someone of the opposite gender, would you consider gender neutral toilets? *
Q8 - Would communal gender neutral toilets make you worry for your own safety? *
Q9 - I am happy with the current public toilet situation and see no reason to change? *
Q10 - I think gender neutral toilets should be implemented worldwide? *
Q11 - I am happy with the current toilets signage i.e female and male icon? *
Q12 - I think there are more changes needed in disabled toilets to accommodate people with all different types of disabilities? *
Q13 - I think the disabled toilet sign should change to something new which will be more accommodating to all disabilities, such as disabilities that aren't as visible? *
What is your age? If you are not comfortable answering please skip.
What is your gender or pronouns? If you are not comfortable answering please skip.
What is your sexuality? If you are not comfortable answering please skip.
What country are you from? If you are not comfortable answering please skip.
Are you religious, if so which religion? If you are not comfortable answering please skip.
Thank you for answering my survey! Please not that ALL questions are strictly for academic purposes.
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