2021-ի անգլ. հոկտ. ֆլեշմոբ 9-12-րդ դասարաններ
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Անուն ազգանուն,  էլ. հասցե *
Դասարան, դպրոցի անուն *
Քաղաք, գյուղ, երկիր *
Առկա՞ ես սովորում, թե՞ հեռավար *
Match  the idioms to their meaning.                             1.My Dad is a soft touch                                                            2.My brother-in-law is very down to earth.                                   3 She really gets on my nerves                                                      4 She always gets her own way                                                          5 My boss is a  bit of a cold fish
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He is very sensible and practical.
He is unfriendly and never shows his emotions
He just does what she tells him to do
Everything about her irritates me
I can always persuade him to give extra pocket money.
II. Complete the sentences adding no fewer than 4 words.
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They wanted to know……
I wondered how…..
I respect people who…..
Though it was too early…..
Let me know…
In some sentences try to comment on the following topics.                                                                                                       If you could go back to some time and place in the past  when and where   would you go? Why?                                       If you could ask a famous person one question, what would you ask?
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Առաջադրանքը կազմել է Իրինա Ապոյանը
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