Manchester City Library Reading Challenge
We need people to read quietly on camera for a full 24 hours.  

Don't worry, you don't have to read for a full 24 hours, but just a block of time here and/or a block of time there.
(that would be fanatical... wait, you want to?  YOU ARE So Cool.)

We need people to sign up for time slots so that we can make sure all 24 hours are covered.

Please fill out the form and share it with all your friends.


More information:

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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What participating in the Read-A-Thon can look like!
What time can you read (silently), on camera, recorded and broadcast to the world? (April 7th, 2021) While we have a theme for the hour, you can read anything you want! (or eat on camera while you read, that's ok too) *
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Would you like to read out-loud, on camera, recorded and broadcast to the world? (April 7th, 2021)  Reading out loud will only last about 5-10 minutes, but let us know what hour you are available and we will assign you a 5-10 minute window within that hour. You may pick a book in theme, or let us choose. *
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If you wish to read out loud, what book would you like to read from? We need to secure permission ahead of time from the author/publisher. It must match the above schedule and your availability.  Please provide a link to the book, if you are able. If you don't have one, leave this blank and we will assign you one.
Contact me about Sponsorship Opportunities, please. *
What is your name? *
Please add me to the Manchester City Library Foundation Board's mailing list, so I can stay up to date on this and other projects. You will be able to unsubscribe at any time. *
What is your phone number? This will only be used to communicate with you about the April 7th schedule. *
We are conducting this reading challenge in an online environment. To participate we need your permission to take photos and video of you participating. We will broadcast these images and video to the entire world  We will not sell the photos.  We will post photos or video Online and use them for Library Promotional purposes. Our partners may also use the images to document and advertise their community investment. .By checking the "Yes, Take and Use Photographs" checkbox, I give my consent that photos/video of me, named above can be used for these purposes. I understand that participants  may be identified by their name or whatever name used to sign on to the online environment.
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