is a new study about the experiences of people who Turtle
Island (North American) Indigenous Minor Attracted Persons (or MAPs) that could help psych professionals better
understand and help their patients attempts to seek help. For this study, you are invited to describe
your experiences.
About the study:
- Completing
and submitting this online survey will take about 30-45 minutes that can be
completed at your leisure
- No
identifying data is collected
must meet these requirements:
- 18+
years old
- Have had a Minor Attracted Person (MAP) Indigenous to Turtle Island (North America; ie. Native Americans, First Nations, American Indians, unenrolled descendants, cultural kin, Afro-Indigenous kin, etc) tell you they are attracted to children or that they have sexually abused a child
If you do not meet the inclusion criteria but
would still like to help, you can repost this to spread the word to other
This survey is part of the
doctoral study for T. Lyn. Maxwell, a Ph.D. student at Walden University. Data
collection is occurring now until the threshold of participants is met.