Nerd Nite Omaha Speaker Sign-Up
Nerd Nite Omaha is a monthly casual lecture series (hosted at Saro Cider, Omaha) in which three nerds are invited to speak on a topic of their choosing for 15-20 minutes, accompanied by a visual presentation. Talks are informative and playful with enough depth to really get people excited about the topic.

We strive to incorporate a variety of talk topics or themes, so please: get creative!

If you'd like to be considered to speak at a future Nerd Nite, please fill out the form below!
What makes a good Nerd Nite talk? See more:

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My name is...
(First & Last please!)
I would describe my talk as...
Give us a brief description of your talk. Think: What topics do you plan to cover? What questions do you aim to answer?
Tell us about yourself.
A 2-3 sentence bio will do.
I'd be available to present on the following nights:
(Please select at least 2)
Any other questions or info?
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