Camp "ING" Participation Application 2024!!!
Please answer this carefully, there will be plenty of time for snark and sass, but this is your chance to show us why you'd like to join us specifically in 2024
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Email *
Full Name *
"real name"
Playa Name or Nick name *
What should we call you?
Social Media Link (Optional) or etc  this section is totally optional but we do most of our communications for organizing and planning camp stuff on facebook and Whatsapp, as the event approaches We also have a WhatsApp chat. If you do join us and don't have a facebook it would be awesome if you create a blank account to allow communication with the camp group. this is not required but it helps keep everyone on the same page
Will you be over 21 years old by  8.24.24?                 *
We serve alcohol in our camp, and we take the ID-ING of our bar guests very seriously. We will not host those under 21 years of age who intend on consuming alcohol illegally
Will you be attending camp by yourself? if not who will you be coming with? *
each person should fill out their own application
Will this year (2024) be your first time going to Burning Man? *
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