Bridgeport Kidical Mass Learn to Bike Survey
Does your child want to learn to bike or improve their bike skills? Join us on September 21, 2024 as the Chicago SAFE Ambassadors accompany us on our monthly bike ride, ending with a learn to ride and skill building course. Please fill out this information if you are interested in having your child participate in the course. All are welcome to join the ride whether or not your child will participate in the class. This class is for children ages 6-12 years old. You can learn more about the SAFE Ambassador program at
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Email *
Name (First and Last *
Relationship to the child *
Child's Name (First and Last) *
Child's age (ages 6-12 only are eligible)
Has this student taken a class with Chicago's SAFE Ambassadors before? *
What is the child's experience level riding a bicycle? *
Describe the child's history of learning to ride
Do you have a bike for the student? *
Do you have a helmet for the student? *
Please share any accommodations the child needs to make this a fun, safe, and rewarding experience, including any medical conditions/disabilities/restrictions.  *
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