ISTA Festival February 2018 Housing Form
We need host families for the
HighSchool ISTA Festival
(International Schools Theatre Association)
22-25 February, 2018

Can you host one or more visiting high-school students for the festival? We need to house students for the nights of 22, 23, and 24 February (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday).  We ask host families to provide the following:  transportation to/from the school throughout the festival; a place to sleep and shower; breakfast each morning; a packed lunch on Friday, 23 February; the evening meal on Saturday, 24 February.  Host families are invited to attend the final performance on Sunday, 25 February, about 11:30 in the morning.  

What is ISTA?
The International Schools Theatre Association (ISTA) was founded in 1977 and at present has a membership of over 250 schools, teachers and organizations worldwide. The Association is run by theatre educators and specialised artists, offering a rich program of theatre experiences and resources. Over the years the Association has had a major impact on international youth theatre education, providing a strong support network for all its members and access to recent developments in theatre education.

ISTA organizes events and festivals worldwide.  The festivals are hosted by member schools and bring together students and teachers from 5-8 schools for a weekend (Thursday through Sunday) of intensive theatre experiences.

ISTA’s Mission:
ISTA brings together young people, artists and teachers from different countries in different settings to experience and learn about theatre, culture and each other. This results in exciting theatre and develops innovative practice at a range of international festivals and training events.

We value diversity and collaboration, celebration and play, friendship and collegiality.

ISTA’s vision is to be an international theatre-learning hub that develops internationally minded young people, teachers and artists through innovative theatre practice. While maintaining and building on our core international body of work, we are also embarking on a sustainable access program.

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Family Name *
First Name *
Street Address and Zip Code *
Telephone Number *
Email address *
How many guests can you take? *
Gender preference (if any) *
Grade level preference (if any) (grades 9-12 will be represented) *
How old are the children who live in your house?  (Please include gender of each) *
What pets (if any) do you have in your house?  (In case of allergies) *
Any special dietary needs in your house?  (vegetarian, vegan, kosher, halal, etc.) *
Is anyone in your house a smoker?  (In case of allergies) *
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